Popular Texts and Verses
These are examples of popular texts and verses you could possibly use or modify!
Gone From Our Home
But Not From Our Hearts
Love is like a golden chain that binds us till we meet again
Loves last gift remembrance
Resting where no shadows fall
Gone but not forgotten
Jesus called a little child
Forever in our thoughts
Always remembered
Until the day dawns
Peace perfect peace
Grant him thy eternal rest
So dearly loved, so greatly missed
Remembered with a smile
at rest
In God’s keeping
Rest in Peace
Forever Young
Requiescat in Peace
Simply the Best
In His Will Is Our Peace
Great Loves Live On
Too Dearly Loved to be Forgotten
His Life is a Beautiful Memory
His Absence a Silent Grief
Gone from our Home
But Not from our Hearts
Gone is the face we loved so dear
Silent the Voice we loved to hear
A tiny flower lent, not given
To bud in earth and bloom in heaven
To live in the hearts of those we leave
Is not to die
Father in Thy gracious keeping
Leave we now our loved one sleeping
As a day well spent brings blessed sleep
So a life well lived brings a blessed death